On October 7th, El Centro’s Quality Program Senior Manager will take on 2.5 days, 240 miles bike ride at Katy Trail in Clinton, Missouri to support El Centro’s Commit to Be Fit program. The trail runs between Clinton and Machens, with 26 trailheads and four fully restored railroad depots along the way. Help us cheer on our team member as he embarks on a 240-mile strenuous bike ride to support El Centro. Your contribution will ensure that physical activity classes are available to children, adults, and families participating in El Centro’s Children’s Wellness program and attending local East End schools.

About the Commit to Be Fit Program: The Commit to Be Fit program is a fitness component to increase physical activity in children, adults, and families and to teach the importance of healthier eating and regular exercise, which have immediate and long-term health benefits. Learn more

Make your donation today!

40 miles completed = $40

80 miles completed = $80

120 miles completed = $120

160 miles completed = $160

200 miles completed = $200

240 miles completed = $240
